Make sure your squad understands the worth of being a member

Make sure your squad understands the worth of being a member

Make new members feel right at home by giving them the lowdown on how things work, what to expect, and where to get the scoop. Let them know how this membership will enhance their lives.

Membership-based organisations thrive on their members. These members are crucial to the success of the organization and help spread the word about its mission. So, once you've got 'em, you gotta keep 'em! One way to do this is by sending a personalized welcome message. This message should not only introduce your organization but also invite the new members to get involved and be a part of something awesome!

Make them comfortable

  • Don't forget to mention the perks they'll enjoy as a member of your association - it's like being part of an exclusive club.

  • Mark your calendars for important dates, like the annual conference or meeting, and give them the juicy details.

  • They'll be in the loop with regular communications from you, so let them know what to expect and how often they'll hear from you.

  • Your online resources are a treasure trove of information, from event calendars to career centres - show them the way to log in and get started.

  • Introduce them to a friendly volunteer buddy who can show them the ropes and make them feel like family. You can make the connection through your online community, too.

Got questions? Need feedback? We've got you covered - let them know who to contact or where to go online to get the answers they need.

Empower your members in initial 30 days

Want to get new members involved? Let's get the conversation started!

Personalized Welcome: Send a personalized welcome message to new members via email, including their name and some information about their interests and goals. It shows that you value their membership and are excited to have them onboard.

Gamify the Experience: Create a challenge that encourages members to engage with your community or platform during the first 90 days.

For example, offer rewards or points for completing certain tasks or activities, such as attending events or commenting on posts.

Introduce a Buddy System: Pair up new members with existing members to help them navigate the platform and get familiar with the community. This not only creates a sense of belonging but also fosters a supportive atmosphere.

Exclusive Content: Offer exclusive content or resources to new members during their first 90 days, such as e-books or webinars. This gives them a taste of the benefits of being a member and encourages them to stick around.

Regular Check-Ins: Reach out to new members regularly during the first 90 days to ask for feedback and address any issues they may have. This shows that you care about their experience and are committed to improving it.

Social Media Engagement: Create a dedicated social media group or page for your community and encourage new members to join. This provides an opportunity for members to connect with each other and share their experiences.

Celebrate Milestones: Celebrate members' milestones, such as their first month or their first event attendance, by sending them a small gift or personalized message. This helps them feel appreciated and encourages them to continue being an active member.

Virtual events and engagement activities are the new norm. So, why not use them to make new members feel like they belong? Let's welcome and appreciate them with open virtual arms. Let's show them that they are part of our awesome organization!

Get feedback after 90 days

Get chatty with your top-notch customers! These are the ones who have been with you for ages, the ones who go for the deluxe package and keep renewing their subscription. Pick their brains and find out what's keeping them hooked. What makes your service an indispensable part of their daily grind? And most importantly, what do they want from you in the future? Don't be shy, get talking!

Also ask them the same question who do not want to renew. Don't let lost users be a lost opportunity. Ask them why they picked you, and why they're leaving. Find out how you could have made it a better fit. Maybe it's just not meant to be, and that's okay. But don't just guess, gather the data.

Are you looking for a solution for your member management? Memberly can help!

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